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发布时间:2021-05-25 来源:https://www.jnsjtf.com/ 作者:天方包子 浏览量:0

In fact, there are many different ways to make steamed buns, but many people don't know how to make them. Today I'll teach you how to make them beautiful and delicious. Even if kitchen Xiaobai learns these three ways, he can make them that the chef admires~
菊 花 包 子
Steamed buns with chrysanthemum
This package method is a common one, in fact, learned very simple Oh~
步骤 :
1、面皮放在左手上, 肉馅放在面皮的中间,手心稍稍向下弯,先用右手的食指和母指把面皮捏起来。
1. Put the dough on the left hand, and the meat stuffing in the middle of the dough. Bend the palm down slightly. First, pinch the dough with the index finger and mother finger of the right hand.
2. Use the index finger of the left hand to push the dough to the position of the index finger of the right hand to form a fold shape. Loosen the index finger of the right hand and pinch the fold together with the raised dough. Form a fold.
3、接着用左手的食指把旁边的面皮推向右手食指的位置并捏紧,形成第 二个褶子。
3. Then use the left index finger to push the side of the dough to the right index finger and pinch tightly to form a second fold.
4. And so on.
5. After kneading a pleat.
6. Pinch and twist the neckline.
7. A steamed bun is ready.
麦 穗 包 子
Steamed buns with wheat ears
Wheat ear bag, also called willow leaf bag and maple leaf bag in some places, is popular because of its beautiful appearance.
1. Roll out the dough and put it on your left hand. Put the stuffing and compact it~
2. Put the right index finger and thumb at the end close to our body, and then squeeze them in at the same time to complete the pleat in the middle of the bun~
3、 然后右手食指放在图中的位置,向里收紧捏牢,捏好右边一个褶~
3. Then put the right index finger in the position in the picture, tighten it inward, and pinch a fold on the right~
4. Place your right thumb in the position shown in the picture and tighten it inward to complete a pleat on the left~
5、重复第3步,完成右边第 二个褶;再重复第4步,完成左边第 二个褶。就这样,右边一个、左边一个,直到包子末端,将其捏牢即可~
5. Repeat step 3 to complete the second fold on the right; Repeat step 4 to complete the second fold on the left. In this way, the right one, the left one, until the end of the bun, it can be pinched firmly~
6. A beautiful wheat bag will be ready~
7. Put it on the chopping board, pile it up and sort it out~
8. Take a group photo of baozijun~
1. Try to squeeze the pleats as tightly as possible, so that the pattern of the steamed buns looks good
2. Practice more, and you'll get better and better
月 牙 包 子
Crescent buns
The shape is curved like the crescent moon, and the wrapping method is actually a bit like dumplings.
1. Take a piece of steamed stuffed bun and put in the right amount of stuffing.
2. First, fold the outer 3 / 4 of the bun skin.
3. Then knead the remaining quarter of the inside and the outside together.
Practice of flour preparation
1. Knead the dough repeatedly to remove the air from the dough.
2. Or take the dough force to the chopping board, also can exhaust the air inside the dough.
3. The performance of clearing the air in the dough: cut the dough, and there are no obvious bubbles in the section.
4. Roll the dough into a long round cylindrical noodle.
5. The long round noodles are cut into noodles of equal size.
6. There should be no obvious bubbles on the cut surface of the dough. If bubbles are found, the steps of kneading dough should be repeated.
Roll the dough of steamed buns (the dough of steamed buns only needs to be rolled on the edge, and the rolling pin is used to roll as thin as possible around the edge of the dough. But pay attention to the fact that the dough is too thin and easy to tear when wrapping. If the dough is too thick, there will be thick lumps at the seal of the bun, and the taste is not good).
1. Sprinkle the dry flour on the chopping board.
2. Put the dough on the chopping board with the cut side up, rotate and pinch the dough into a circle.
3. Press down the palm of your hand to flatten the dough.
4. Press the dough into a flat circle.
5. On the one hand, he pinched the edge of the dough and kept rotating the dough. On the other hand, he rolled the dough with a rolling pin.
6. Roll the dough into a round skin with thin edge and thick middle (100how tip: the edge of the skin should not be too thin).
Stuffing of steamed stuffed bun:
材料准备:1/4个的洋葱洗净,切小丁。香菇黑木耳泡发后洗净,切小丁。热锅热油,加洋葱爆香,加香菇丁黑木耳丁,炒出香味。 怎么捏包子:包子馅料调制
Material preparation: wash 1 / 4 onion and dice. Soak mushrooms and Auricularia auricula, wash and dice. Heat the oil in a hot pan, add onion and saute until fragrant. Add diced mushroom and black wood ear. Stir fry until fragrant. How to make steamed buns: how to make stuffing
1. Wash the pork and chop it into minced meat. Add chopped green onion and ginger. Add pepper powder, five spice powder, salt and soy sauce. Then chop it into minced meat.
2. Add fried diced onion, mushroom and black fungus to the meat.
3. Stir onion, mushroom, black fungus and minced meat clockwise until the minced meat is well mixed.
4. Heat the oil in a hot pan, add 3-5 pieces of Zanthoxylum bungeanum and fry them into Zanthoxylum bungeanum oil.
5. Pour the pepper oil into the meat mixture.
6. Stir the meat mixture clockwise until smooth.
The technique of steamed buns (try to make the folds at about 2 / 3 of the upper part of the bag, and the folds incline in the same direction, so that there will be more folds in the steamed buns, and the folds will not deform after steaming).
The first method of making steamed buns
1. The left palm holds the dough.
2、馅料放在面皮中 央。
2. Place the filling in the center of the dough.
3. Knead the thumb and index finger of the right hand and lift the edge of the face upward slightly.
4、提示:第 一个褶皱完成。
4. Tip: the first fold is complete.
5、保持右手姿势,左手食指推动面皮边缘往右手食指的方向汇合,左右手的食指配合完成第 二个褶皱。
5. Keeping the right hand posture, the left index finger pushes the edge of the dough to join the right index finger, and the left and right index fingers cooperate to complete the second fold.
6、右手大拇指保持不动,右手食指移动到第 二个褶皱的外围,右手食指和大拇指把两个褶皱的边端捏合在一起。
6. The thumb of the right hand remains still, the index finger of the right hand moves to the periphery of the second fold, and the index finger and thumb of the right hand knead the edges of the two folds together.
7. The right hand keeps still, the left index finger pushes the edge of the dough to join the right index finger, and the left and right index fingers cooperate to complete the third fold.
8. The right thumb remains motionless, the right index finger moves to the periphery of the third fold, and the right index finger and thumb knead the edges of the three folds together.
9. Repeat steps 5-8 to knead 2 / 3 of the circumference of the dough.
10. With the left thumb, press the stuffing into the fold.
11. Repeat steps 5-8 to knead the next fold of the dough.
12. Knead the edges of all the folds together to form a chrysanthemum shape.
13. Put the steamed bun on the chopping board, and press the seal of the steamed bun down slightly with the index finger of the right hand to make it flat.
14. The two palms move back and forth around the bun to make it smooth.
15. Wrapped buns.
The second method of making steamed buns
Tips: steps 1-11 are the same as the first method of kneading steamed buns.
12. All the edges of the folds are completely pinched and stitched together to form a nipple.
13. Put the steamed stuffed bun on the chopping board and move it back and forth with two palms facing each other to make it smooth.
14. Wrapped buns.