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发布时间:2024-05-11 来源:https://www.jnsjtf.com/ 作者:天方包子 浏览量:0


What are the methods of making steamed buns?


Baozi is the most common food among people, and its taste depends on the process of making dough. So, how do you make steamed buns to make noodles? There are two methods for making steamed buns and making noodles. The common one is to use dough fertilizer or yeast to make steamed buns. The specific methods for making steamed buns and making noodles are:


1、 Using dough fertilizer to make noodles: Noodle fertilizer is generally referred to as old noodles, old fat, old yeast, introducers, and so on in households. In the past, there was no fresh yeast, so when making hair products at home, we used flour fertilizer.


1. First, wash the basin thoroughly and pour an appropriate amount of flour into it.


2. Soak the dough in warm water first, then pour the soaked dough into a bowl filled with flour and mix them evenly.


3. Cover the kneaded dough with a cloth, which can prevent the loss of moisture from the dough and also provide insulation.


4. To determine the completion time of the dough, the dough usually takes about the same amount of time to start. The process of starting the dough is determined by the number of pores in the dough.


5. Once the noodles are ready, add edible alkali and continue to knead evenly to make long strips, then continue to process them into the outer skin for buns.



2、 Using yeast to make noodles: Using yeast to make noodles does not require the addition of alkali, which can prevent the destruction of vitamin B1 in flour and also avoid the impact of alkali on the absorption and utilization of inorganic salts by the human body.


1. Prepare dry yeast, pour flour into a plate, add a little dry yeast, baking powder, sugar, etc., mix them evenly, and knead them into a dough.


2. Add warm water. Dig a small pit in the dough, add a small amount of warm water to the pit, add soybean oil, mix and knead to form the dough. Wake up slightly for about 1 hour.


3. After the noodles wake up, make the steamed buns, Mantou and Steamed rolls you want to make.


4. Put the prepared raw materials into the steamer, add cold water to the pot, and generally steam for another 13 minutes by plugging in the electricity.

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