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发布时间:2022-07-23 来源:https://www.jnsjtf.com/ 作者:天方包子 浏览量:0

Steamed stuffed buns have been cultivated for thousands of years. Everyone loves them and they are all the rage. As a popular breakfast product for thousands of years, it is an ideal entrepreneurial project in the hearts of many small-scale entrepreneurs. It is appropriate to join a well-known brand breakfast bun store without technology. If a petty bourgeoisie wants to make money, he must be frugal. How much does it cost to join a steamed stuffed bun shop?
1、 Breakfast steamed stuffed bun store joins in well-known brand assets
Generally, the franchise cost of joining the breakfast steamed stuffed bun store today is as much as hundreds of thousands to thousands of yuan, and the grades included are different.
1. Technical alliance of well-known brands: it is suitable to have a boss who has opened a steamed stuffed bun shop because the taste of the goods is not very good, or a store with machinery and equipment for producing and processing goods.
2. Store franchise: suitable for those who have experience as a steamed stuffed bun store, because it is not good to choose well-known brand products at the beginning.
3. Single store franchise: it is suitable for novices who have not opened a store. Single store franchise includes machinery and equipment and indoor decoration of the billboard at the door. Most of them do not need to choose their own machinery and equipment.
2、 Additional costs of decoration works, machinery and equipment, and raw materials
The second installment of the franchise of breakfast steamed stuffed bun store must be prepared in advance. The key is used in three levels, namely, the additional cost of decoration, the purchase of machinery and equipment, and the purchase of raw materials and finished products. The purpose is to make the franchisee's store in hardware and software equipment truly in a "basic situation that can make money".
The layout and indoor space size of the stores leased by franchisees are not easy to be completely consistent with the standard demonstration sites. If the indoor space is small, the head office will refund part of the decoration budget; If the indoor space is large, it will cost more than a part of the total area of basic indoor decoration; In terms of creating the atmosphere in the store, lamps and lanterns lighting and atmosphere lighting lamps, decorations and so on generally need to be increased, which is also an additional expense.
A shop that can make money must be able to solve the flow of people under the money making standard on machinery and equipment. In addition, the production capacity of machinery and equipment should be large enough, the speed should be fast, and the quality should be good enough, so that when there are many customers, we can quickly produce goods with high cost performance.
Franchisee youmu carefully observed, and what level of monthly sales can be guaranteed for the demonstration sites visited by the franchisee head office with you? What is the specification and model of the applied machine and equipment? Is it consistent with the basic machinery and equipment shown by the head office? When you expect the sales volume of your own store, you can also ensure that it is as good as the demonstration site. Basically, you have to compare the configuration of the demonstration site in terms of machinery and equipment. Standardize the configuration of machinery and equipment in the demonstration site, and the part that differs from the basic machinery and equipment presented by the head office in terms of specification, model, function and total number, that is, the part that the franchisee must purchase for the meeting.
The third part is about the delivery of raw materials and finished products. Most of the franchise head offices claim that the project investment quota does not include a batch of goods, even if there is, the total amount is cash. In order to prevent the franchisee's stores from running out of goods during the trial sale period and the honeymoon travel period, it is necessary to purchase additional goods and prepare sufficient inventory in advance.
The above is a detailed introduction about the joining of Tianfang baozi. I hope it will help you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide services for you with a professional attitude https://www.jnsjtf.com