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发布时间:2023-01-24 来源:https://www.jnsjtf.com/ 作者:天方包子 浏览量:0

If you want to run a good restaurant, you need to consider all aspects. In order to help many entrepreneurs who want to invest in the catering industry and those who want to invest in specialty catering, Tianfang steamed stuffed bun franchisees simply share some suggestions on the operation of catering stores.
1. Tianfang steamed stuffed buns should join in the site selection, and small restaurants should be busy, not go to remote or less popular places. In terms of decoration, don't be too luxurious and don't pursue scale. In this way, even if the business is frustrated, it can turn losses into profits and reduce business risks.
2. Tianfang steamed stuffed bun joining operation should have characteristics. The small restaurant does not emphasize everything, only highlights one feature. As the saying goes, "master everything". There are too many dishes to start with. Highlight the characteristics of the store, let customers remember when they eat, and don't care too much about the essence.
3. Tianfang steamed stuffed buns join in. In terms of service, the small restaurant does not pay attention to the standard, but pays attention to the atmosphere of kinship and affinity, and the service varies from person to person.
4. Beware of the cost of Tianfang steamed stuffed buns. The magic weapon of the small store is small profits and quick sales, so as to achieve the principle of small profits and quick sales. Cooking does not focus on high-grade and large-scale production, but on intensive production of coarse grains.
The volume and flow should be emphasized during operation. In order to make small profits and quick sales, small stores can only make profits by opening traffic. Therefore, in terms of operation, it is required to produce products quickly, and customers who serve dishes quickly will naturally leave quickly to strive for turn-over rate. Come to our website for more relevant content https://www.jnsjtf.com Consult!