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发布时间:2023-01-23 来源:https://www.jnsjtf.com/ 作者:天方包子 浏览量:0

How to solve the rough surface of steamed buns made by the steamed bun machine? The efficiency of manual work is too low, which leads to more and more people using machines to produce steamed stuffed buns. There will also be problems with machines during production. What is the reason why the surface of steamed stuffed buns looks not smooth today? Tianfang steamed stuffed bun franchisees will explain to you.
1. The noodles should be rubbed smooth. Generally, it takes 20 minutes for a cook to knead the noodles. That's about 5 minutes for the noodles used for making steamed buns.
2. The kneaded face can be wrapped directly. Don't wake up and then remove bubbles. This will cause some unnecessary troubles and rough surface.
3. Steamed buns wrapped by the steamed bun machine should be standardized. No matter what kind of food it is, it is very important to make a foundation. If the steamed bun itself looks ordinary, the effect will be worse after entering the steamer.
4. Brush oil on the cage so that it won't stick, and then put the bun on. Put some more water into the pot of the cage itself, and the amount of water should be able to steam for about 20 minutes!
5. If you want to make steamed buns with a steamed bun machine, the flour is also very important. Use low-gluten flour. If the quality of the flour you buy is different, the steamed buns will be different. But there is not too much demand for flour to make steamed buns smooth.
6. Add a small amount of oil to make the steamed stuffed bun look good. For example, put 10 grams of oil into the noodles.
7. Don't turn off the fire when steamed steamed buns, let the lid open slowly, so that the steamed buns will not open rough on the surface.
8. Pour edible oil on the mold and the conveyor belt to make the steamed bun noodles look better.
9. The automatic steamed stuffed bun machine should be cleaned when it is used for three days, and the leftovers and sundries adhering to the machine should be cleaned, so that the steamed stuffed bun skin will not only be sanitary but also open more smoothly when it is used next time.
The above content is believed to be of great help to the majority of customers. For any food that is produced by machine alone, there may be problems. Every detail of the production should be clarified, so as to achieve twice the result with half the effort. Come to our website for more relevant matters https://www.jnsjtf.com Ask!