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发布时间:2024-03-17 来源:https://www.jnsjtf.com/ 作者:天方包子 浏览量:0


Nowadays, various types of steamed bun shops can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys, and there is great enthusiasm among people of all ages. Many people have seen the business opportunities within it. How much is the franchise fee for Tianfang Baozi? The cost of a baozi shop is not high, and it is also relatively easy to open a baozi shop. The franchise fee for one company is only 20000 yuan. Exclusive secret recipe with a unique taste that can only be imitated and cannot be surpassed, resulting in a clear competitive advantage.


Nowadays, people are unwilling to work and want to start their own businesses as bosses. Therefore, it is better to choose to join a strong franchise brand, a reliable franchise brand, when starting their own business. Nowadays, the franchise of baozi is quite popular in the market. I believe there is still a lot of room for growth for baozi, and there are very few baozi franchise brands. What are the conditions for joining Tianfang baozi? Tianfang Baozi creates healthy and delicious food. Tianfang Baozi has a diverse range of products, unique features, good filling, and strong market demand, making it a hot investment choice.



Tianfang steamed buns are fragrant but not greasy, fresh and delicious, leaving a lingering fragrance in the mouth and never getting tired of eating them

天方包子,经过几年的创新改进,在面、馅、料方面,使其无论是在口味、还是色泽,切实做到香而不腻、鲜而可口,口留余香,百吃不厌。配方技术、管理、选址,是一个包子快餐店 成功与否三大关键要素。天方包子,在发展过程中也积累了丰富的经验,探索出了先进可行的经营管理模式,很大限度的满足消费者同时,提高各加盟店的利润。

Tianfang steamed buns, after several years of innovation and improvement, have been made to be fragrant but not greasy, fresh and delicious in terms of taste, filling, and ingredients, leaving a lingering fragrance in the mouth and never getting tired of eating them. Formula technology, management, and site selection are the three key factors for the success of a baozi fast food restaurant. Tianfang Baozi has also accumulated rich experience in the development process, explored advanced and feasible business management models, and greatly satisfied consumers while improving the profits of various franchise stores.


Tianfang Baozi Special Nutritional Soup with Thin foreskin, tender filling, fresh soup, and juicy taste


Tianfang Baozi has a unique nutritional soup with thin foreskin, tender filling, fresh soup, abundant juice, fine ingredients, and exquisite production. It has its own unique characteristics in material selection, formula, filling, kneading, and rolling. Tianfang Baozi Soup Filling Bag adopts two formulas: traditional Chinese fermented old noodles and modern biological fermentation. The texture is flexible and elastic, with a pure white and glossy complexion. The preparation of filling ingredients has a pure and fragrant taste, with a delicious taste and a delicious soup. In terms of raw materials and ingredients, it has unique characteristics, especially the pork soup filled buns, which are exquisite, delicious, and popular, forming a distinct feature.
