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发布时间:2022-01-11 来源:https://www.jnsjtf.com/ 作者:天方包子 浏览量:0

What store opening analysis should be done when steamed stuffed bun joins in?
In many cases, the decisive factor in the success or failure of entrepreneurship is not the degree of effort, but the choice of projects. The franchise of baozi store should be a market with moderate market share, so it is often easier to succeed in the early operation.
A franchise headquarters with strong brand ability can also make entrepreneurs take fewer detours. In addition to the corresponding product support and market guidance, as an operator, in order to successfully join the steamed stuffed bun store, the following analysis work before opening the store is often essential.
Store location: not now; The smell of wine is not afraid of the depth of the alley; In the new era, steamed stuffed bun, as a national just need, large residential area or traffic artery with large traffic flow, is often the place for many steamed stuffed bun stores to join brands.
Shop size: why do we advocate steamed stuffed bun joining; Small and fine; Your route? Because with the increase of store rent year by year, scientific planning of store size can not only save costs, but also be more flexible in site selection.
Among many franchisees of Meiji steamed stuffed bun, the store size is concentrated in about 20-40 m2. Tables, chairs and benches are often not needed in the south, while hall food is mainly used in the north. Therefore, the area of steamed stuffed bun stores is often slightly larger than that in the south.
Product category: as an operator, we must have a cognition: the more products, the better. The more convenient, fast and easy to choose, the better we can lock in customers, because more steamed stuffed buns are a consumer group, office workers and students, who are in a hurry.
In today's increasingly fierce breakfast market, product features are very important and blindly pursue; Many and complete;, The result can only be that the gains outweigh the losses.
Publicity: some people say that steamed stuffed bun, as a just needed industry, often does not need too much publicity. In fact, it is not. Today, many steamed stuffed bun stores have many franchise brands. Publicity is necessary to make diners realize the difference between you and your competitors.
However, all publicity is often based on the premise of product quality. The long-term operation of a steamed stuffed bun store refers to building public praise through reasonable publicity methods and seizing more repeat customers through product characteristics.
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