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发布时间:2021-04-30 来源:https://www.jnsjtf.com/ 作者:天方包子 浏览量:0

For the business strategy of baozi franchise chain, many beginners are not very clear, so let's spray a few sentences ~, the following is a summary of a few suggestions for you, I hope it will be helpful for your franchise partners to open a shop!
1、饮食服务行业首要注意的就是食品卫生和食品质量安 全,这是店内经营管理工作的重要环节。
1. Food hygiene and food quality safety are the primary concerns of the catering industry, which is an important part of the store management.
2. We should pay attention to the purchase of food materials, including meat, flour, seasoning, vegetables, etc. we must purchase according to the quality and regulations required by the technical study, so as to keep the quality of the steamed stuffed bun unchanged; We should not purchase inferior food materials and seasonings to lower the cost because of the poor operation in the early stage or for a period of time. This is tantamount to killing the chicken to get the eggs. Especially in this prosperous era, it is almost impossible to continue operation.
3、由于包子铺基本上是针对早餐进行销售的,因此前一天晚上一定要提前安排好第 二天的工作流程及准备工作,包括包子的制作工序与材料、人员、店内的清洁卫生等。
3. Because the bun shop is basically for breakfast sales, so the previous night must be arranged in advance for the next day's workflow and preparation work, including the production process and materials of steamed buns, personnel, cleaning and sanitation in the shop.
4. At the beginning of opening, try to do more customer satisfaction survey as much as possible, so as to meet the different needs of customers, listen to the feedback of customers, then replace the dishes, and contact the headquarters or technical personnel to improve or update; The shopkeeper can also publicize the purchase of raw materials in the shop, so that customers can understand that the raw materials used in the steamed stuffed buns sold by the shop are made of qualified materials, so that they can buy at ease and other promotional activities.
5、销售方面,加盟伙伴应根据当地的经济水平,确定出相对合理的价格,一些特色产品的定价可适当调高,毕竟是特色么;在保证产品安 全质量的同时,还必须得有几个薄利多销的菜品来进行平衡销售;经营的过程中,要根据实际销售的情况,随时对调整菜品进行相应的调整,以保证销售量;开业初期还可利用买与增、免费品尝等促销方式来聚集人气,由于包子是日常早餐的消费品,每日需求量大,只要加盟伙伴能保持菜品的品质及店员良好的服务态度,待日后客源稳定,基本不用再进行大力度的促销,也能保持有不断的食客前来购买,当然了买卖是活的,该做还要做的。
5. In terms of sales, the franchisee should determine a relatively reasonable price according to the local economic level. The pricing of some characteristic products can be appropriately increased. After all, is it characteristic; In order to ensure the safety and quality of products, there must be a few dishes with small profits and quick turnover for balanced sales; In the process of operation, according to the actual sales situation, adjust the dishes at any time to ensure the sales volume; At the beginning of business, we can also use the promotion methods such as buying and increasing, free tasting to gather popularity. Because steamed stuffed bun is a daily breakfast consumer goods, there is a large demand every day. As long as the franchisee partners can maintain the quality of dishes and the staff's good service attitude, and the customer source is stable in the future, there is basically no need to carry out large-scale promotion, and the customers can keep coming to buy it, Of course, business is alive, and what should be done is still to be done.
6. Service quality is an important indicator of the catering service industry, including the common words of service staff, in store hygiene, mental outlook of shop assistants, etc., which are all important factors to retain customers. Therefore, franchise partners should strengthen the training of shop assistants and pay attention to the details of the store.
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