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发布时间:2021-03-02 来源:https://www.jnsjtf.com/ 作者:天方包子 浏览量:0

1.动机---- 创业的动机越充分,就越有可能成功。 动机是企业家的一个基本要素。 准备、充足的心理准备、经济支持和健康的身体是创业的基本条件。 具备应对突发事件的能力、化解风险的能力和行业的专业技能。 对于外援,如果你有家人和朋友的支持,创业需要团队的力量。 通过团队的力量更容易获得成功。 企业家精神要求,除了拥有企业家领域的专业知识外,企业家还应该拥有:。 组织指挥能力: 建立有效、快速的指挥机制,确保各要素和环节的准确、高能运作。
1. Motivation: the more motivated you are to start a business, the more likely you are to succeed. Motivation is a basic element of entrepreneurs. Preparation, adequate psychological preparation, financial support and healthy body are the basic conditions for entrepreneurship. Have the ability to deal with emergencies, the ability to resolve risks and professional skills of the industry. For foreign aid, if you have the support of family and friends, entrepreneurship needs the strength of the team. It's easier to succeed through the power of the team. Entrepreneurship requires that in addition to the professional knowledge in the field of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs should also have. Organization and command capability: establish an effective and fast command mechanism to ensure the accurate and high-energy operation of all elements and links.
2.战略决策能力: 通过各种渠道听取和分析各种来源的意见,做出科学合理的决策而不失时机。
2. Strategic decision making ability: listen to and analyze opinions from various sources through various channels, and make scientific and reasonable decisions without losing time.
3.创新与创造力: 我们必须有强烈的时代感和责任感,敢于开拓进取,不断创新,保持思维活跃。 不断吸收新的知识和信息,开发新的产品,创造新的方法,使您的企业充满活力和魅力。
3. Innovation and creativity: we must have a strong sense of the times and responsibility, dare to forge ahead, constantly innovate and keep active thinking. Constantly absorb new knowledge and information, develop new products and create new methods to make your enterprise full of vitality and charm.                                           天方包子加盟
4.能够选拔和使用人才: 能够认识人的责任心,善于发现、利用、培养人才,充分调动人的主观能动性。
4. Be able to select and use talents: be able to understand people's sense of responsibility, be good at discovering, utilizing and cultivating talents, and fully mobilize people's subjective initiative.
5.沟通协调能力: 善于恰当安置、处理和协调各种人际关系,建立和谐的内外部环境。
5. Communication and coordination ability: be good at proper placement, handling and coordination of various interpersonal relationships, and establish a harmonious internal and external environment.
6.社会活动能力: 企业家在经济活动过程中,利用各种社会互动活动扩大影响,提高经济效益。
6. Social activity ability: in the process of economic activities, entrepreneurs use various social interaction activities to expand influence and improve economic benefits.
7. 语言能力: 语言能力主要是指口头表达能力,主要表现为小企业主运用语言、对话、讨论、防御、谈判、介绍等技巧和艺术的能力。 写作能力主要是指表达文字的能力。 对于企业家来说,主要是指企业发展规划、战略报告、即决执行等方面的写作能力。
7.  Language ability: language ability mainly refers to the ability of oral expression, which is mainly manifested in the ability of small business owners to use language, dialogue, discussion, defense, negotiation, introduction and other skills and arts. Writing ability mainly refers to the ability to express words. For entrepreneurs, it mainly refers to the writing ability of enterprise development planning, strategic report, summary execution and so on.