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发布时间:2024-05-13 来源:https://www.jnsjtf.com/ 作者:天方包子 浏览量:0


Basic knowledge related to franchisees


Franchisee refers to the party who receives brand and technical guidance from the headquarters in the chain franchise model. At present, the chain franchise industry in China is divided into tight and loose types, and the corresponding responsibilities are also different.


Tight type


Large chain franchise companies abroad all adopt this franchise method. The main feature is to strictly replicate the business model set by the headquarters, including layout, production standards, sales, procurement, organizational structure, services, training, etc. Franchisees only need to pay a certain proportion of management fees and initial franchise fees to enjoy all the resources of successful headquarters. The headquarters perfectly replicates to ensure the profits of franchisees. As for legal liability, it depends on how the contract signed by both parties stipulates it.


Loose type


Most of the domestic food, automotive, pharmaceutical, and service industries are suitable for China's national conditions. The headquarters has a successful and repeatedly verified operational plan for attracting investment and joining. Seriously provide a set of entrepreneurial plans, provide telephone feedback, track services, and grant franchisees brand franchise rights. In legal terms, the operating entity of this franchise is still the franchisee themselves.


The difference between franchise stores and direct stores


Franchise stores and direct stores are two ways of chain operation. Chain operation can effectively integrate market resources.


These resources include various aspects such as management, market, brand, cost, and service.



Direct operated stores are generally fully invested by franchisees. Franchise stores are generally joint ventures between both parties.


The relationship between the direct operated store and the headquarters is relatively close. The relationship between franchise stores and headquarters is relatively loose.


Direct store employees are generally listed in the headquarters sequence. Franchise store employees are generally not included in the headquarters sequence.


Direct operated stores are generally equivalent to flagship stores, while franchise stores are generally equivalent to main stores.


Differences between branches and subsidiaries


Branch offices are generally the dispatched agencies of the headquarters and are not independently responsible.


Subsidiaries are generally derivatives of the parent company. Including supporting investments serving the main business (different operating projects) and derivatives of the main business (different operating regions).


Subsidiaries are generally independently responsible.


In principle, different companies based on the investors of the parent company cannot be regarded as branches or subsidiaries.


Only other companies with the parent company as the investor can be considered as branches or subsidiaries.


Branches or subsidiaries are generally fully wholly-owned.


For the selection of chain franchisees, there are three fundamental principles that need to be adhered to: strict screening, preferring scarcity over abuse; Concept first, long-term vision; Matching doors and developing together.

  本文内容来自: 天方包子加盟 如果您想了解更多关于本行业知识请认准: https://www.jnsjtf.com,欢迎您的到来!

The content of this article comes from: Tianfang Baozi Franchise. If you want to learn more about this industry, please read: https://www.jnsjtf.com Welcome to come!
