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发布时间:2024-03-22 来源:https://www.jnsjtf.com/ 作者:天方包子 浏览量:0

对于首次创业,没有餐饮加盟与培训基础、且没有经验的朋友而言,开餐饮加盟店是很好的选择,但是想要长久,还得有行家 达人指导。在金科餐饮培训的张女士说,自己以前在外地的打工的时候经常看到一些小的的餐饮店,自己还蛮感兴趣的,偶然之间在网上看到金科餐饮的视频,然后就开始自己的培训学习之旅,在慢慢的实践学习中,自己摸着一些门道,然后就自己开店了。目前生意还是很不错的,张女士很开心,因为自己能赚到钱了,生活也越来越好本钱也没有花多少自己还能学到东西,何乐而不为呢?

For first-time entrepreneurs who lack a foundation in catering franchise and training, as well as experience, opening a catering franchise is a good choice. However, if you want it to last for a long time, you still need guidance from experts and experts. Ms. Zhang, who received training at Jinke Catering, said that when she used to work in other places, she often saw some small restaurants and was quite interested. She accidentally saw a video of Jinke Catering online and started her own training and learning journey. Through gradual practical learning, she explored some tricks and then opened her own store. At present, the business is still very good, and Ms. Zhang is very happy because she can make money and her life is getting better and better. She didn't spend much capital and can still learn something. Why not do it?


Correct market positioning



Everyone has different entrepreneurial opportunities, opportunities, and conditions, but market positioning is necessary. Firstly, you need to consider the geographical location, customer base, and surrounding environment. Although the consumer group is mostly young people, their consumption psychology and forms vary greatly depending on their social class. For example, white-collar workers prefer high-quality dining, pay attention to the environment, atmosphere, and atmosphere, while students prefer fashion and personality elements, pay attention to the cost-effectiveness of products, as well as the design and relaxed and lively experience.


Category coordination and combination


Food and beverage franchise and training reminder: The combination of food and beverage varieties is very important, and we cannot simply copy others to use. Thoughtful combination is better. Snacks in the market have been eaten by customers for decades, and it is inevitable that they may experience taste fatigue. Therefore, smart shop owners will know how to constantly update their products and innovate. Only then can these restaurants last longer and bring you a continuous stream of wealth, which is what every franchisee wants. If you want to learn more about catering, just keep following me
