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发布时间:2021-03-04 来源:https://www.jnsjtf.com/ 作者:天方包子 浏览量:0

  Steamed buns and steamed buns are a kind of breakfast standard that our common people like. The delicious steamed buns are soft and sweet, thin in skin and juicy in filling. So today we're going to share the skills of steaming steamed buns. How can we steam out delicious steamed buns?
  1. Master the proportion of harmony and surface
  大家在蒸包子的时候,通常500克面粉,需要加入4克酵母和2克泡打粉。和面的时候,大家要用30-35℃的温水和面,而且水不能放太多,水和面粉的比例一般为1:2就可以了,要不然面团不容易发酵。要注意,和面的时候, 一定要有耐心,温水一点一点的加入,开始用筷子搅成雪花状的面絮,再慢慢揉成偏硬的面团。
  When steaming steamed buns, we usually need to add 4 g yeast and 2 g baking powder into 500 g flour. When mixing noodles, we should use 30-35 ℃ warm water and flour, and water can not be too much, the ratio of water and flour is generally 1:2, otherwise the dough is not easy to ferment. Pay attention to, when mixing noodles, you must be patient. Add warm water bit by bit, start to stir into snowflake like flocs with chopsticks, and then slowly knead into hard dough.
  2. The force should be even
  When making steamed buns, we should try our best to keep the thickness of the dough around the steamed stuffed buns even. Don't pull and pinch the dough because of its good elasticity. This will make the bun skin thick here and thin there, and the oil in the bag will soak the thin side, which will affect the beauty of the bun, and can not pinch out a big pimple on the top of the bun, which will affect the taste too much.
  3. Pay attention to hard and soft
  The soft and hard degree of Baobao noodles can be adjusted according to the filling materials. If the stuffing looks dry, then the skin of steamed stuffed bun can be softened, which will make the taste very soft. But if the stuffing is more soup, easy to water, then we should make the bun skin and a little harder, and then after wrapping, let it wake up for a while.
  4. There is a saying on your face
  After wrapping the steamed buns, we need to put the steamed buns in a closed place for about 30 minutes, and then put them into the steamer to steam. Since some of the air in the dough is released during the dough rolling, the steamed stuffed bun we packed can continue to wake up, which can make the steamed stuffed bun more plump. But for the beautiful women who want to be thin, try to eat less steamed buns for dinner, so as to avoid getting fat.
  5. The steps of steamed buns are the key
  If you want to steam out delicious steamed buns, the key is to steam the steps can not be wrong. If the steamed buns are boiled in cold water every time, it will definitely affect the taste of steamed buns. The steamed buns will not bulge, and there is a feeling of collapse. Many people think that it is very difficult to use cold water for cooking. In fact, they are wrong. The correct way is to use hot water and pay attention to boiling hot water. So most of the steamed buns steamed in cold water are not delicious, because the temperature is wrong when making steamed buns.
  Do you master these skills when you are steaming steamed buns? If you want to know more about baozi, please pay more attention to our website.